Health & Fitness
115 results total, viewing 73 - 84

Thanksgiving Tweaks: How To Make A Healthy, But Tasty Meal

Celebrating the holidays doesn’t have to mean giving up your favorite dishes. more

Ray Terry’s Book Series Emphasizes Form For Maximum Function

The Severna Park resident authors books to teach kids, and their parents, the importance of movement. more

Stef Ripple Continues To Make Waves

Stefanie Ashdown Memorial 5K and 1-Mile Walk participants raised $36,000 for the nonprofit Stef Ripple. more

Surprising Facts About Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here are 10 things you might not know about breast cancer: more

Assisted Living Vs. Long-Term Nursing

Many people have misconceptions about what each has to offer. more

Brain Health: Six Ways To Slow Cognitive Decline

By making your brain health a priority, you can mitigate the effects of these changes and help to prevent cognitive decline. more

Seniors And Their Loved Ones Both Benefit From Respite Care

Respite care offers temporary relief and support to caregivers. more

Boost Your Brain Health

Both hearing loss and dementia rates have been steadily climbing over the years. more

What Is Vascular Disease?

Understanding the difference between veins and arteries is important to know how the body works. more

Senior Health And Safety In Extreme Weather

Seniors are more likely than others to suffer from heat stroke, dehydration, heat rash and other ailments. more

Pickleball Injuries Rise With The Sport’s Popularity

Common pickleball injuries include strains and sprains of the back, knee and ankle. more

Dockside Dermatology: Doctors By Your Side

Doctors Lesley Sutherland and Stephanie Clements want their practice to set the industry standard in the Annapolis area. more
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