Unity Bands - Spin and Win

Spin and Win for Cash, YETI gear, and Air Pods!
Support Healthcare Heroes in Need
Our goal to raise $2,500 to provide a holiday gift to 75 healthcare heroes in need.
See our Instagram post to play!

“I definitely believe that Unity Bands is truly embracing that non-profit charity aspect of community building: hosting discussions like these, and educating the public on health resources, concerns, and doing everything they can to provide support for our health professionals. All of that is built on the need for support and support starts with community."

Alex Glidewell, University of Alabama Senior

Unity Bands is an Annapolis-based, all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing financial support to the low-paid, undervalued, and essential healthcare workers and promoting credible public health information to at risk communities to inform decision-making.


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